A smooth process is the essence of good production. But there are always disturbing factors. A common problem is different production heights between machines. They interrupt the flow of the production line, cost time, and require resources. An inclined belt conveyor can help here.

This is a situation familiar to many people in production: One machine’s ejector is not at the same height as the infeed of the next machine in the production process. There are various reasons for this. On the one hand, the belt conveyors have a lower priority than the machines and are often only considered at the end of the planning. On the other hand, with an increase in production capacity or the expansion of the production line, it is possible that new machines are not optimally integrated into the existing process. And then, of course, there are also the non-automated processes.

Inclined belt coveyors overcome differences in height

If a production line is interrupted by different production heights, manual handling is required. A support can also help by bringing one machine up to the height of the next. But neither solution is ideal; they cost time, money, and work. An inclined belt conveyor offers a more elegant and economical solution. Such a conveyor transports goods from one height to the next – at an angle of up to 60 degrees.

Automation instead of manpower

At first glance, an additional belt conveyor seems expensive. In the long run, however, it is definitely worth it. Its acquisition costs are amortized quickly; by automating manual handling, the inclined belt conveyor saves time and money in production. The gap closed this way requires no or almost no manpower.

Space-saving, flexible, functional

Inclined belt conveyors are not only economically attractive, they also make space. Due to their angle, the machines can be set up closer together. And if the production line has to be changed, that’s also possible without difficulty. It’s easy to remove an inclined belt conveyor from the production line and re-insert it elsewhere if necessary – without any modifications.

Murat Simsir | Sales